Over the last couple of years, millions of sports lovers from different parts of the world have pitched their tents of loyalty with different sports teams. Football and soccer are the two most competitive sports that are placed one over the other. The fact that football is popular doesn’t make it the best sport. That is why we present to you this article to reveal some of the reasons why soccer is alternative to football – and indeed, the best sport in the world.

Soccer Has Fluid Play

Playing sports of any kind requires an eye for details so you can make the most out of every situation. That is one reason why soccer is one of the best sports in the world. The fluidity of the game means that there will be little or no occasional stops and distractions during the gameplay. Instead, both the clock/timing and the ball are in motion at all times. If for any reason the ball goes out of play, it will be put right back to play the next minute.

Less Exposure to Injury

Unlike football where injuries are sustainable, soccer doesn’t overly expose the players to injuries. The less likelihood of getting injured during a soccer game is because of the extra care taken during the team formation. When the injury rate is low, you can rest assured that more athletes will have a longer, healthier career.

Soccer doesn't require much equipment

Soccer players don’t need to break a bank to afford the equipment they need for the game. That is because of the inexpensiveness of this type of sports. The inexpensiveness of soccer is partly because of the few items athletes need and mainly because those items are affordable. For example, a ball and soccer cleats are the most important items to get for the sports. On the player’s part, they only need shin guards, jerseys, and shorts to play comfortably.

Soccer is popular

Despite the proliferation of football games, such as the UEFA Champions League, Europa League, and English Premier League; it doesn’t change the fact that soccer is popular. It will interest you to know that soccer is considered one of the most popular sports in the world because of the 265 million players that play the game.

Rules are not complicated

Players already have a lot of things to worry about. From tackling other players to regain the ball to watching their goalpost and preventing shots targeted to create a goal – players have a lot to think of. So, it doesn’t make sense to overburden them by creating and implementing additional rules that would work them up. That is why we believe that soccer is a better sport because the rules aren’t complicated. The primary rules are to keep to the offside rule and never use your hands when playing.