
Thank you for participating in ABPL as a volunteer referee. You have an important role, not only as an official of a soccer game, but also as an extension and a representative of this league. You play an integral part in the safety of our players and enjoyment of our league. 

Please abide by the following as you referee ABPL games:

1. First, ensure the safety of all participants of the match.

2. Officiate ABPL using FIFA rules but allow exceptions and special rules that are discussed here – ABPL Rules for Players and ABPL Rules for Teams

3. Arrive at your game site no later than 15 minutes prior to the start of your game.

4. Start the clock on time.

5. Do not deviate from the stated rules, but use your discretion within the boundary of the stated rules.

6. Bring both team captains together at the beginning of each game for introductions, coin toss, questions and a reminder to play the game safely.

7. Bring the two team captains together at any point during the match to remind them of the rules or to ask them to keep their players under control.

8. Keep records of scores, cards during the game and report scores to ABPL Committee after your match.

9. If you cannot make a game, please contact one of the ABPL Committee members as early as possible so that they can arrange a replacement.