How do you learn basic soccer technique?

While anyone can kick a ball and start playing soccer, one needs to know the technique to play and enjoy the game.

Techniques of running the ball, receiving the ball, passing the ball, kicking – all these things require constant training and practices. Of course, there is no limit to perfection, but the question arises, how to learn the basic soccer technique? Start with the simplest and gradually complicate and improve the quality of performance of a particular technical element. A lot of repetition and effort is the key to a positive result.

Remember that soccer training always starts with getting to know the ball. And almost all exercises are performed with it to improve the feel of the ball. When the ball is near you, you control it. And this means that you control the game. Soccer technique develops with constant contact with the ball.

Where to start learning?

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Someone has speed but lacks strength. Someone has a good eye, and someone can think fast. If you add these and some other specialized skills together, you will have an ideal player. But in this sport, it is not necessary to start with the improvement of weaknesses, and not even with the identification of athletic strengths. All of this will happen in the course of training.

The first basic task of the novice soccer player is to make friends with the ball! You need to find a comfortable open area, buy the right soccer ball and play with it. Kick it, drive it, juggle it. And you can do it with all parts of your body. It makes no difference! You need to feel the ball, understand its capabilities, be able to “cooperate” with it, do not be afraid of the ball. Training begins with getting acquainted with the ball. Any good coach will tell you this. So free play with the ball, preferably in the open air – that’s where you need to start.

rural soccer
Kids play soccer in a rural area outside of Rustenburg, South Africa.

How to master basic soccer techniques

It’s great to play soccer with speed, understanding of the game, and strength. But it’s even better when you’re also skilled at the game! Learning a player includes the development of technical skills. You have to start with the basics. Before you learn to play soccer well, you have to do a lot of routine training on practicing passing (receiving, passing), dribbling the ball, and striking. Some may think it’s not that exciting and even boring, but without a solid base, you can’t go any further.

To learn a basic technique, you must regularly practice simple basic skills. There is a list of simple, but very effective exercises that will help put a solid technical base in place for the novice player. No one will tell you how to properly play soccer without technical skills. So start by practicing these exercises.

SIX Fundamental skills required to play soccer

Below we have summarized 6 basic skill that are vital to know if you want to play soccer.

1. Passing

This has to be the most important soccer skill you need to know. The simple truth here is that if you don’t know how to pass the ball, then you really don’t know how to play soccer.

There’s no other way to say it. You may only need a few minutes to learn how to pass a ball, but to really become great you need hours of practice!

2. Receiving a Ball

This is probably the second most important thing in soccer, after passing a ball. If you don’t know how to receive a ball, you don’t know how to play soccer.

Every time you receive a pass from a teammate you need to know what to do with the ball. If it takes you 5 minutes to get control on it then you can be pretty sure that your teammates will not either pass the ball so often to you.

3. Trapping

This is the third important skill you need to know as soccer player. However, trapping a ball is not the same as receiving it.

When receiving a ball you will generally be in movement and when trapping a ball you will often stand still.

4. dribbling

Dribbling the ball is an important skill for soccer players to develop. It is necessary to find a spacious area and practice dribbling with and without obstacles. The ball needs to be pushed forward in small pushes. It must go away from the foot not more than 30-60 cm forward. At first, drive the ball in a straight line. Then gradually try to change the trajectory.

It can take time to adjust and learn to be confident dribbling without looking at the ball all the time – but it’s worth it. Kind of dribble the ball blindly, looking at the field.

5. Shooting

If you want to score goals then you will also need to know how to shoot. If don’t, then scoring a goal will be pretty hard.

However, shooting is not just about hitting the ball with enormous power. You have to be able to hit the goal properly – precision has to be in the equation, which is the 6th skill you need to master.

6. Precision

We mentioned earlier, passing the ball is the most important skill you need to know. But what about precision?

I mean, if your passes never find the right address then what is the point of passing the ball when you really think about it?


The necessary skills to play soccer well

How can you learn to play soccer without developing basic skills? You can’t! To play soccer, you need to have several of certain qualities. Of course, all of them can’t be equally well developed in one person.

A future soccer player needs these skills:

  • Speed
  • Coordination
  • Reaction speed
  • Physical strength
  • The ability to see the field
  • Fast decision making

Soccer is a smart sports game. It involves more than just your feet, as many people mistakenly believe. It is not enough to know the rules of soccer and know how to kick a ball. During the game, you should be able to read your opponent, make quick decisions, take control of the ball, pass it to another player from your team or complete the moment on your own. And all of this is done at full speed, within the allotted minutes. Of course, all of this is very difficult. But, with a lot of desire and with at least a couple of basic skills, it’s not impossible!