ABPL Rules for Players

ABPL Waiver Form

All players are required to sign an waiver form before they would be permitted to play in any ABPL games. This form will be used to ensure that any individual, player or ABPL organizers (/members of ABPL committee) will not be and cannot be held responsible in case the participant is injured while playing in ABPL. You must complete this form my going to this link. If a player is less than 18 years of age, the players parents (/one of the parents) are required to complete the form on behalf of the player. 

ABPL Waiver Form

Soccer Rules/Guidelines for Players

All players are required to follow the following guidelines while playing. This guidelines are created to ensure healthy balance between fair play and safety. 

  • Gain an understanding and appreciation for the rules of the game. Know the rules. If you do not know the rules, refrain from expressing opinions to officials, or players. 
  • If a referee is operating a game, then referee’s decision will be the ultimate decision, whether it is right or wrong. A player cannot argue with the referee under any circumstances Any player arguing with referee might be ejected during the game and may be completely banned from playing in the league again.
  • There is a possibility that some games will not have any referee. Under those circumstance, game will be played according the rules/guidelines provided here. Players are strictly required to follow those rules.
  • Do not allow your ego to interfere with good judgment and your responsibility as a team representative.
  • Always remember that the purpose of this league is to create a good bonding among all the players of our community and create an atmosphere where everyone can play for fun. Winning or losing is part of the game and everyone must accept those without any bitter feelings.

"We must always set the bar high — otherwise we do not progress."

Know These Rules

  • Offside (currently under review): It will be extremely difficult to enforce actual offside rules in our soccer. But we want to start with the very basic ones, the one that everyone could easily consider as offside – when an oppositions’ player (/players) are standing alone near the goalkeeper and the last defender is at least 3-5 yards above that player. So, when that player receive that ball, that should be considered as offside. This will only be implemented when the game is officiated by a referee.  It will be completely up to the referee whether he calls it or not.
  • Handball: A player using his hand to deliberately holding the ball and stopping the game will get a yellow card (for first offense) and red card (when he already has a yellow card and does it again). This ‘handball’ rule will be strictly followed and players should not attempt to hold the ball deliberately under any circumstances. 
  • Stepping on Boot: This need to be carefully monitored. If a single player is found repeating it twice, then it will be yellow card offense. If he is doing it again after the first yellow, then that player will receive an automatic red.
  • Slide Tackling: Slide tackling should not be confused with sliding. A player can slide to shot the ball away or get a grab of the ball. But if that sliding is made to stop opposition players’ move or grab the ball from him, then that will be considered as sliding tackle. This will not be permitted in any game and referees can show yellow card or direct red card to a player (depending on circumstances).
  • Tackling from behind: Any kind of tackling from behind is prohibited. Players need to move to the front (of another player who has the ball) before they can attempt to tackle another player. 
  • Control your temper. You always need to stay cool no matter what. Not only against the opposing team and officials, but with yourself and
    your teammates. Any verbal abuse against anyone would automatically disqualify you from playing in the league.