In addition to setting up rules for players and teams, ABPL Committee have also set up some expectations from the spectators 

As spectators we will refrain from booing or yelling at officials at any time during a match AS:
  1. Such behavior reflects on our part sets a poor example of sportsmanship.

  2. Such behavior reflects negatively on our community, our team, our players and us.

  3. Most of our officials have had limited experience and formal training and do the best job they can, given these limitations.

  4. Most of our officials of ABPL are simply doing volunteer work. They should be respected.

  5. We don’t really know how difficult it is to officiate a soccer match until we’ve run on the ‘pitch’ in the official’s ‘boots’.
During a match we will refrain from yelling at players on either team because we are aware of the following:
  1. We are all recreational players here, and not soccer professionals, who, due to limited playing experience and great enthusiasm, may make mistakes.

  2. Encouragement and praise should be made in public; constructive criticism is best made in private.

  3. The coach is the best equipped to analyze and correct deficiencies in soccer skills. Our attempts to be helpful in this respect may only confuse the players.

  4. The golden rule applies. Treat other players with the courtesy, respect and consideration, which we want other supporters to show our own players.